How To Fall Asleep Faster
- by Stephen Touhey

From being stressed, to being short on time, to illness, wanting to fall asleep faster is something that’s been on many people’s minds at some point or another.
According to one study done at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1 in 4 Americans struggle with insomnia at some point in their life. Of that 25%, another 25% never recover and struggle their whole lives.
Studies also show that the faster you fall asleep, the better quality of sleep you’ll get. On average, if you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes, you’ll get good quality sleep. If it takes more than 20 minutes, your sleep isn’t optimal.
Prescription sleeping pills or OTC sleep aids are always an option, but these days more and more people are looking for natural ways to get to sleep.
If you’re ready to learn how to fall asleep faster, then you’ve come to the right place.
Try a regular sleep schedule
Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up the same time every morning - yes, including weekends. When you have a regular sleep schedule, you’ll fall asleep faster because your body’s internal clock will learn and regulate your body. Nobody expects you to keep a perfect schedule - life happens - but put in any amount of effort and you should see big improvements.
Journal before bed
“Maybe you need a brain dump,” as motivational speaker Mel Robbins says. When you have things whirling around your mind, it can be hard to shut your mind off enough to sleep. While schedules and problems are in your head they seem really big, but once you put your hand to paper and get it all out, your mind will have more space for stillness.
Practice sleep meditation
Whether you prefer a self-guided meditation, relaxing each part of your body from head to toe, or you prefer a guided one, meditation is a great way to slow your mind and body down.
According to a study by NCCIH, approximately 1 in 6 Americans meditate, up from only 4% of the population not too long ago. Why? You may ask. It works! Not only will meditation help you fall asleep faster, but it also helps with a slew of mental and physical health problems.
If you struggle at first, don’t give up. Your brain likes things just as they are. It’s a comfort zone, so it’s going to keep trying to distract you. Every time you notice you’re distracted, just bring your attention back to your meditation. It gets easier with time.
Try a bio-frequency patch
These amazing little patches pack a powerful sleepy punch and are fueled by energy medicine technology adapted from quantum physics. A BioActivate Deep Sleep patch works with your body’s natural energy. It’s a great option for people struggling with adopting a practice right before bed.
Try a breathwork practice
I’m not talking about DMT breathing or any of the fast-paced breathwork. The breathwork you want to do before bed is slow and controlled. It gives your mind something to focus on while you slowly release tension from your body and drift away to sleep.
Here are two great breathwork methods to fall asleep fast.
● 4-7-8 Method - Breath in through your nose for 4 counts, hold for 7 counts, breathe out through your mouth for 8 counts while making a whooshing sound. Repeat at least 4 times.
● Box Breathing - Breathe in through your nose for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, breathe out through your mouth for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts. Repeat at least 12 times.
Inhale lavender essential oil
This is a great and simple way to fall asleep faster. You can use an oil diffuser or simply put a few drops of lavender essential oil on your temples and wrists. As you inhale the intoxicating scent of lavender, you’ll drift off to dreamland faster and also have improved quality of sleep, as shown by a study shared in JACM.