Combating Stress and Anxiety Holistically

Combating Stress and Anxiety Holistically

Combating Stress and Anxiety Holistically According to the NY Times, stress is inevitable in modern-day times. Countless studies demonstrate that stress and anxiety negatively affect your mind and body.  When you experience stress, your body creates adrenaline and cortisol. This causes an increased heart rate and quickened breathing which can...  Read more

Traveling Across Time Zones? Beat Jetlag with These Sleep Hacks

Traveling Across Time Zones? Beat Jetlag with These Sleep Hacks

Traveling Across Time Zones? Beat Jetlag with These Sleep Hacks According to UCLA Heath,  jet lag is the most common of circadian rhythm problems.  Jet lag occurs when we travel quickly across more than two time zones. If you’ve ever flown far, you’ve experienced feeling tired or wired at odd...  Read more

Stop Inflammation in its Tracks and be a Healthier You!

Stop Inflammation in its Tracks and be a Healthier You!

Stop Inflammation in its Tracks and be a Healthier You! There are two types of inflammation your body can experience, chronic and acute. When you get a hangnail or stub your toe, you may notice that the skin around the cut or bruise gets red and swollen; this is acute...  Read more

Conscious Living

Conscious Living

We wake up, put on the coffee, rush the kids off to school, pay the bills, do the laundry…and then rinse, wash, repeat. It often feels like most of our days are on autopilot, with preset choices, beginning and ending in the same manner, day in and day out.  We...  Read more


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