The Rise of Burnout And What To Do About It

The Rise of Burnout And What To Do About It

Does this sound familiar? You’re slow to get out of bed, feeling unmotivated at work and missing deadlines, not doing your healthy routines, unfocused, getting irritable with colleagues and the kids. These are not uncommon symptoms of a growing condition of work burnout or chronic work stress. Out of 1500 surveyed...  Read more

How to Improve Mental Clarity for a More Productive Workday

How to Improve Mental Clarity for a More Productive Workday

You know that saying, “It’s just one of those days?” We’ve all been there.

You were running late at home, then you hit every light on the way to the office, then misplaced a file you needed for an important meeting - you know the story.

Many things can impede our mental clarity, but stress is a huge one for many Americans. According to the American Psychological Association, 84% of American adults reported feeling emotions associated with stress in the past 2 weeks, including anxiety, sadness, and anger.

Common Causes of Brain Fog

Common Causes of Brain Fog

Everyone’s had it before. Maybe you lost your glasses a few too many times one day, forgot an important meeting, or just felt plain foggy and unable to think clearly. We’re talking about brain fog.

You might be experiencing confusion, memory loss, trouble thinking and concentrating, unintentional negligence, or just feel plain spacey. You may just be having a day of brain fog here and there or it might be a chronic issue that’s disrupting your life.


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